Together with Miguel Ángel Bravo the owner of “El Refu Escalada en Guadalest“ we publish the following “Recommendations For Climbing In Guadalest”:
- Always wear a helmet in all sectors of the Guadalest climbing area. The limestone is quite soft in Guadalest. Rock falls and loose holds are quite common.
- Don’t toprope through the existing lower-offs. Use your own gear – quickdraws, screw gate carabiners etc. – to set-up topropes.
The last person threads the lower-off. Lower-offs are expensive and need to be replaced more frequently if they are used for toproping. Be aware that all bolts and lower-offs have been paid by the local climbing community.
- Park only in the marked car parks. The space by the “Frontón” building – directly by the crag “Penya de l’Alcala” – is council owned. Please, don’t park there overnight or in the mornings. Although it looks like a dump place, please, leave enough space for a council lorry to get to the mountains of scrap at any time. You can park as well at “El Refu Escalada en Guadalest”. If you do so it would be really kind if you leave a tip with the owners or have a drink to acknowledge their facilities.
- Toilets are available at “El Refu Escalda en Guadalest”. If you use them, please, be aware that they are kept clean by the owners of the location. So, have a drink or leave a small tip as main’s water and electricity in Spain are quite expensive. If you don’t want to use their facilitate, don’t leave a trace. How to do so, please, follow the given guidelines here – How to shit in the woods.
- Don’t stay overnight in your van on any car park close to the climbing areas.
If you do so you might risk a visit from “Guardia Civil” and obviously a fine. There are overnight facilities available in “El Refu Escalada de Guadalest” and as well on the car parks in Guadalest (Fee: 2 €).
- Don’t leave a trace! Take all your rubbish incl. toilet paper, orange peel etc. with you.
Additional recommendations for climbing courses and groups:
- Don’t block any sectors. Only leave topropes in the routes you are using for your course/group.
- Set-up topropes with your own gear – quickdraws, screw gate carabiners etc.!
- Don’t be too noisy.
- Let Miguel know that you’re coming with a group / course beforehand.
- Visit “El Refu Escalada en Guadalest” with your group and/or leave a contribution to the development of the area with Miguel. If you’d like to try one of the local specialties, i.e. Paella, mountain stews etc., please, let the owners of “El Refu Escalada en Guadalest” know in advance. They are not a restaurant so will prepare all dishes for your group specially upon your request.
If you’d like to know why we’ve published those recommendations, please, read the explanation here.